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Free Trade Agreements with CIS countries

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is a regional intergovernmental organization of 10 post-Soviet republics in Eurasia formed following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Georgia has signed FTAs with CIS countries that include Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, Russian federation as well as its neighbors, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia.

The CIS FTA provides for free movement of goods within the territory of the CIS, non-application of import customs duties, non-discrimination, gradual decrease of export customs duties and abolishment of quantitative restrictions in mutual trade between the CIS FTA member states.

The CIS FTA establishes that WTO rules will apply to government procurement, customs transit of goods, application of special safeguard, anti-dumping and countervailing measures, technical barriers to trade, as well as provision of subsidies and other measures applied in trade between its signees.

The CIS FTA will bring many benefits for business. Parties to FTA could not apply additional trade barriers, except for those that are allowed by the CIS FTA, e.g. the Parties could not any longer apply quantitative restrictions (quotas) or other protective measures (e.g. sanitary and epidemic) within the territory of CIS, all existing quotas or protective measures should be cancelled, unless they were introduced as antidumping, safeguard or countervailing measures.
The CIS FTA allows using the existing special or antidumping measures to the trade between the CIS states.
It should be noted, that existing non tariff measures could be reviewed by the Parties, in light of their correspondence to WTO provisions;

Most Georgian origin goods exported to CIS states should not be subject to customs duties,
Customs duties applicable to goods listed in addendums could not be voluntarily increased by the Parties;
Freedom of transit, except of transit by pipeline transport;

Potential for negotiations on freedom of transit by pipeline transport (to be completed within 6 months as of the date of the CIS FTA coming into force);

Potential for gradual decrease of export duties applicable to goods, listed in addendums;

New approach to trade disputes in light of WTO membership
Disputes between the member states of the CIS FTA should be settled at the Economic Court of the CIS.  At the discretion of a member state, a dispute arising out of the WTO rules can also be settled under the WTO dispute settlement procedures.

You can find this agreemet on the following link: text of the agreement